If you send us an outline of your situation, facts and questions in advance, we prepare in advance and this time is extremely productive and usually resolves all of your questions within the time allowed. We know Form 1040NR and its filing requirements as well as taxation of nonresidents of all states in the US.
And remember as a CPA firm we can also prepare the returns, forms, and amended returns to solve your tax problem. We are a one stop solution.
Over 900 U.S. expat taxpayers located everywhere in the world have used "Mini Consultations" to resolve their tax problems and issues.
US Phone (949) 480-1235. US Fax (949) 606-9627 or we can talk on my skype address dondnelson. Email:ddnelson@gmail.com Whatsapp No. (818) 519-9219 (US)
Payment can easily be made by credit card, paypal, check, echeck or wire transfer. If your questions or problems are URGENT let us know and we can often schedule it on the same day.
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